BIM 3D, 4D & 5D modelling software

With BIM the model brings all the information within.

BIM, acronym for Building Information Modelling, is defined as an approach in which architectural, structural, plant engineering, material properties, components, planning of implementation phases, timing and execution costs, maintenance works, are all considered organically as part of a single process that involves the whole life cycle of the project.

All the data is synthesized in a model, which carries the information.

The advantages of a BIM approach for a construction or engineering company consist of a more efficient process of management and control.

Through integrated BIM 3D modelling, the details of the measurements are taken directly from the designer’s data; so in the event that a designer makes some alterations, the estimate can be updated automatically (BIM 3D).

Furthermore, work scheduling can be carried out with greater awareness of the constructive dynamics involved, by comparing the work status to the estimated completion times; and for each single activity and constructive element of the work, in order to finish the construction job (BIM 4D).

In addition, a careful analysis of costs and resource utilization can lead to a timely check of the costs to be borne, and the margins of earnings (BIM 5D).

In the first phase of estimation, a quantity take-off allows you to determine precise measurements for each article of metric.

The calculus directly derived from the quantitative properties of objects drawn in the architectural, structural and plant models of a project.

In this way, two important advantages are obtained:

It is also possible to set computation rules based on categories and object families to maximize metric metering. If pricelists are linked to object families, it is possible to determine the value not only of the whole work, but also of each element of the project at the same time.

Through the interaction between the work program and the 3D models connected to the same metric calculator, it is possible to obtain a graphical simulation of the anticipated work states of the project.
STR Vision CPM is a BIM construction oriented software: it integrates the 3D model of the project with the information of tools, equipment, human resources and other activities necessary to finish the job.
In addition, technical and economic information is handled and kept under control at all stages, both progressively (as per estimate), and in order to predict the final cost.

Planning Concept based on a 3D object-based model
Planning Concept based on a 3D object-based model (3D Working Methods, 2006. BIPS, Denmark)

STR Vision, within the BIM process, intervenes in more than one of the phases, importing 3D models, and enabling professionals to go through the 4D (Timing) and 5D (Cost Control). Specifically, the most relevant functions available include estimating, work scheduling, cost and budget analysis, technical and economic control of the progress of a project / contract.

STR Vision CPM software interoperates through Standard IFC with Autodesk Revit, BricsCAD, Graphisoft Archicad, Nemetschek Allplan, Tekla Structures, allowing the designer to continue working with the tools he/she prefers and use to develop 4D (timing) and 5D (costs) the most highly regarded management platform by engineering companies and construction companies.
